Oslo offers a wide range of hotels and accommodations. However, especially during the sun-filled months in summer, hotels are packed and it can be tricky to find a decently-priced stay within easy reach, especially if booking late. Below we provide a list of hotels which are reasonably close to either the conference venue or the city centre:
City centre: Area of Oslo Central Station (Oslo Sentralstasjon) and Opera House (Operahuset). 9-minute metro ride plus 5-minute walk to the conference venue.
City centre: Area of National Theatre (Nationaltheatret) 6-minute metro ride plus 5-minute walk to the conference venue.
Close to city centre: Area of Majorstuen 3-minute metro ride plus 5-minute walk to the conference venue.
Close to the conference venue: Area of Ullevål (see how to get there), 20-minute walk or 2-minute metro ride plus 5-minute walk to the conference venue.
Budget Hotels
Overnatting Oslo (rooms with own (small) bathroom and kitchen in a quiet street in Grünerløkka, a popular central district in Oslo; from 45 Euro/night)
There are a few high-standard youth hostels in Oslo and one can even find single rooms if booked in advance. Unfortunately, Oslo does not have too many of these youth hostels. One can try:
Haraldsheim Youth Hostel which is nice and close to the Sinsen metro station.
Anker Hostel which is nice and friendly, with more single rooms and more down-town, close to public transport.
Hostel Ronningen YMCA which is on the outskirts of Oslo, near the forest. It is in walking distance to the train station and tram station. It takes 30-45min to reach the conference site (using train first to Oslo S and then changing to the metro from there to the conference site). The same Oslo transportation ticket works up to there.
Holtekilen Youth Hostel which is also outside of Oslo centre but in walking distance to the train station that takes about 10-15min to Oslo S.